Customized Sleep Plan

Your family will get a customized sleep plan, tailored to YOUR needs. This will help you:
  • Understand what is causing their poor sleep
  • Know exactly what to do to help your child fall asleep and stay asleep
  • Feel confident and happy knowing that this will give your child the skills they need to sleep and make the days easier
  • Relax knowing that your child can sleep on their own and go back to sleep without your help
  • Finally have some “me time,” you deserve it!
What You Will Get in Your Child’s Customized Sleep Plan
Your Child’s Sleep Evaluation:
You will complete a detailed questionnaire about your child’s sleep, health, nutrition, development, and more, so we can identify all the factors that are affecting your child’s sleep. This will allow me to create your personalized plan to finally achieve lasting results.
The Family Plan:
This will be designed for YOUR child and YOUR family. It will give you the exact steps you will take each night to create lasting change for your child’s best sleep! This includes everything you need to help your child meet their physical activity, environmental, nutritional, and other needs depending on their evaluation.
90 Minute Review:
In your 90 minute review, we will go over every part of your child’s plan. After our session you will be 100% clear on what to do and how to do it. You will be confident from night 1 and with every passing night you will gain more and more confidence as will your child! You will know how to handle any possible obstacles and challenges that might happen.
Unlimited Support:
After our review session, you will have unlimited support via emails, phone calls, Zoom meetings, and texts with me for 4 weeks. I’ll be there every step of the way to support you, answer any questions, make any adjustments, track your child’s progress, and celebrate the successes you will surely have!
Obstacle Course Guide:
After your child (and you!) have been getting the much needed restful sleep. You will get guides on how to handle any expected or unexpected obstacles that will come – milestone changes, holidays, vacations, illness, moving, and more. This will give you all the tools and confidence that will ensure that your family continues to sleep great!
You will no longer feel alone, overwhelmed, and completely lost:
Inquire about custom packages and payment options!
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